2. miejsce w World Sports Photography Awards!

Poranek 26 czerwca okazał się dla mnie bardzo miły po odczytaniu e-maila od organizatorów ogólnoświatowego konkursu World Sports Photography Awards. Moje zdjęcie przedstawiające: „Zawodniczki oczekujace na start w biegu płotkarskim na Diamentowej Lidze w Monaco”, zyskało uznanie jury i zostało nagrodzone „srebrem” w kategorii Focus. Dziękuję!

Zdjęcie wykonałam aparatem Sony a9 z obiektywem Sony 400mm, 2.8.

Gratuluję także nominowanemu w tym konkursie, mojemu dobremu koledze, Rafałowi Oleksiewiczowi, z którym wspólnie reprezentowaliśmy Polskę.

e-mail od Jury:

„Congratulations! You’re a winner in the inaugural World Sports Photography Awards. The competition was very tough and the judging very close. Your image of athletics before the start celebrating has won Silver in the Focus category. Thank you for being involved in the launch of this new competition and congratulations once again.” 

Oficjalny komunikat organizatorów: 


World Sports Photography Awards 2020 Winners Announced

A stunning image from the Anthony Joshua v Andy Ruiz Jr fight captured during their bout in 2019 in Diriyah, Saudi Arabia has won the inaugural World Sports Photography Awards. Taken by renowned sports photographer Richard Heathcote, the image is a remarkable example of the power of sports photography as well as its technical difficulty. 

The image is one of 24 winning images across categories of: Joy, Precision, Speed, Focus, Determination, Power, View, Celebration. They form a stunning gallery of images, encapsulating the emotion, power, athleticism and drama of sport and the power of photography to tell sports’ stories. 

The images represent the incredible work of sports photographers from around the world who have expertly “captured the moment” amidst the perpetual movement of sport. As well shots including global stars like Ben Stokes and Tom Brady, several of the photographs feature stunning shots of stadia, candid behind the scenes glimpses and engaging shots of supporters and fans. Triumph, celebration, pain and despair in equal measure. 

The winning images have been selected by a jury of sports industry professionals.

Speaking about the awards, co-founder Alan Whiter said, “Sport and Photography have a long and powerful relationship. The emotion, athleticism and focus that is at the heart of sport is a uniquely 

captured and communicated through photography. These are an amazing collection of images across sporting disciplines and with all sorts of stories behind them. Thanks to our winner Richard Heathcote and all the photographers for entering their images, and to our judges for their time spent judging the excellent submissions.”

See the winning images here www.worldsportsphotographyawards.com/winners 

or via this link: https://wspa.bylder.io/link/winners

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